Mental Health Workshops for Businesses
As an employer, you are likely invested in the well-being and productivity of your employees. After all, they are arguably your most important asset. And as a licensed clinical psychologist, I know the value in addressing mental health in every space. I have seen what ignoring employees' mental health can do to your bottom line -- and us as humans.
Are your teams feeling stressed or burned out? Are you finding that more and more of your employees want you to prioritize mental health in the workplace? Do you want to create a culture of mental wellness and resiliency at work but just don't know where to start?
I can help.
We know that unaddressed mental health concerns like burnout cost your business.
Stress and burnout lead to:
reduced productivity
higher claims numbers
more absenteeism
higher rates of turnover
In fact, workplace stress contributes to 120,000 deaths every year and costs US businesses $190 billion annually. Burned out employees are 63% more likely to take sick day and 2.5 times more likely to search for another job.
Finding a replacement for one employee who is so burned out they leave? That will cost you anywhere from 1/2 to 2x their annual salary.
The good news is, you're here, and you're curious. I can guide you on a new path toward:
increased productivity, satisfaction, and retention
confidently talking about mental health at your workplace
helping your employees feel supported and respected
a proactive approach to mental well-being
knowledge regarding what resources are available to your team
Here's How it Works
Step 1
Take a look at the two solutions I offer for mental health in the workplace, below.
Step 2
Book a discovery call or meeting with me to determine the best option for you and talk details.
Step 3
Receive your roadmap and select your in-person workshops. Then, exhale!
Together, we can create a new definition of great leadership and be at the forefront of mental health in the workplace. I offer two paths toward better mental health at your workplace: Shift, and Transform.
Each path includes proprietary mental health workshops that are educational, interactive, and practical. Many are all-company, and some are geared toward leadership. I recommend biannual workshops to most businesses, though some prefer more. Together, we can select the best frequency and topics for your company -- some workshop topics include:
Stress and Burnout Prevention
How to Build Resilience
Myth-Busting: Common Misconceptions About Mental Health
How to Support a Colleague
How Does My "Stuff" Affect How I Lead?
Happier Teams: Ways to Improve Employee Satisfaction
What about something custom?
I provide executive consulting, leadership-specific training, all-staff workshops, and most everything in between. I am also available for speaking engagements. Let's connect and discuss your goals so we can get started!
In the Meantime
Join my email list and receive two complimentary resource guides:
1. Mental Health Primer for Leadership
2. How to Recognize Signs of Burnout
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